Friday, November 11, 2011

assignment: superfoods

"what appears to be an average everyday food is far from average and ordinary. contained within it are a vast array of 'super substances' that are thought to be absolutely essential for good health. could this be hope for the future of our health or just another unfounded claim?"

this was our starting point for the project. as i researched superfoods, i discovered countless nutritionists and dietitians who oppose the idea, maintaining the thought that it's all a marketing ploy and there aren't any special benefits to eating exotic foods that cost you three times what you'd pay for something just as good for you and simple as...

... blueberries.


  1. beautiful composition and light! what a unique idea---i think you executed it quite well! it looks like an illustration you would see in a magazine!

  2. katherine, this turned out really well. nice job
